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Research centres and laboratories

Research centers and laboratories

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National-Local Joint Engineering Research Center for Biodiagnostics and Biotherapy was approved by National Development and Reform Commission in 2012. Currently, the center has more than thirty researchers, who have interests focused on molecular diagnostics as well as immunological, stem cell-based or gene-targeted therapies.


The Core Research Laboratory occupies approximately 1000 net square meter of space in the main building of Daminggong Branch. The laboratory is equipped with all necessary tools for cell culture, flow cytometry, imaging, immunohistochemistry, etc. It is a facility to provide scientists from the hospital with the critical services to efficiently and successfully conduct medical research. These services include individual training and guidance, maintenance and availability of equipment, availability of cell culture room, and providing a forum to discuss the bioethical issues surrounding the research.


There are many other research laboratories in this hospital, including ten provincial clinical research centers and one provincial key laboratory, which have laid a well-organized and complete basis for the hospital's efforts in the research of basic and translational medicine.

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